If you want to stay informed about the competition, please sign up to our mailing list here.

For inquiries about the competition, please email the organisers at: chemistryrace (at) srcf.net


Head organiser: Secretary:
Adam Přáda

ap837 (at) cam.ac.uk

Richard Veselý

rv345 (at) cam.ac.uk

Publicity officer: Senior organiser:
Yeha Lee

yl686 (at) cam.ac.uk

Dr Peter Wothers

pdw12 (at) cam.ac.uk


You can also follow our social media for the latest updates.

Twitter or Facebook page


Chemistry race is organised by Cambridge University, Department of chemistry and Alumni scientiae Bohemicae, z.s., a non-profit organization.

Invoice adress:

Alumni scientiae Bohemicae, z.s.

Na domovině 692/18, 142 00

 Prague, Czech Republic

IČO: 04582942